Tuesday 12 May 2015

Introducing Free Hands Initiative

The name 'Free Hands' came about during a round-table meeting involving chicken and chips, after a Soup Kitchen event at Apapa in February, 2014. Joy said "Friends sounds like 'Free Hands'", and that was it!

Over the past year, we've done some more events, prepared a Constitution and started a Corporate registration. We've also grown exponentially, thanks to the support of many wonderful people.

Free Hands aims to:

  • Help Nigerians, especially, to cultivate a giving spirit;
  • Increase the number of givers and helpers in the country;
  • Train and Raise Charitable people.
To achieve these, we host events like the Soup Kitchen, the Christmas Outreach, the Valentine's Day Block Party, the Independence Day Block Party and the Back-to-School Drive. These events provide opportunities for people to give and help, and learn to host their own events - achieving the multiplier effect that we want. 

Use our contact form for inquiries and we'd be glad to provide answers or support for you if you wish to host your own charitable event or take part in the events we have coming up.